Table of Contents




Represents a drag operation being performed by a user.

/*global document */

"use strict";

( function ( NS ) {

/* Issues with native drag and drop.

This system hooks into the native HTML5 drag and drop event system to allow data
to be dragged not just within the window but also between windows and other
applications/the OS itself. However, by default, all drags initiated within the
application will bypass this system and use a custom implementation, as the
native implementation (and indeed the spec) is extremely buggy. Problems (as of
13.05.11) include:

1. If an element is draggable, you cannot select text in any text input area
   underneath it.
2. Webkit sometimes repeatedly fires dragstart events rather than dragover
   events after the first dragstart. This has something to do with setDragImage,
   which also fails in some circumstances.
3. Webkit doesn't like a <canvas> element set as the drag image.
3. In webkit, drags initiated from image elements ignore setDragImage calls
4. The spec is still changing from day to day, meaning the browser
   implementations are likely to change as well.
5. In Firefox, setDragImage only works with visible elements.

If you want to initiate a drag with data for an external app (e.g. a file download), you can still do this, by:

1. Setting a draggable="true" attribute on the HTML element to be dragged.
2. Either then setting the data as normal in the dragStarted method (if the view
   includes O.Draggable), or by handling the dragstart event. If the latter,
   you should set the following properties:

   event.dataTransfer.setData( type, data );
   event.dataTransfer.setDragImage( el, offsetX, offsetY );

Native support is turned on for drop targets though, as there are no
show-stopping bugs here, so this is handled as normal.


// Inlined from O.DragEffect
var NONE = 0,
 COPY = 1,
 MOVE = 2,
 LINK = 4,
 effectToString = NS.DragEffect.effectToString;

var Drag = NS.Class({

 Extends: NS.Object,


O.Drag( mixin )


mixinObject Overrides any properties on the object. Must include an `event` property containing the event object that triggered the drag.
init: function ( mixin ) {
   var event = mixin.event;

   this._dragCursor = null;
   this._stylesheet = null;
   this._scrollBounds = null;
   this._scrollView = null;
   this._scrollBy = null;
   this._scrollInterval = null;
   this._lastTargetView = null;

   this.isNative = false;
   this.dragSource = null;
   this.allowedEffects = ALL;
   this.dataSource = null;
   this.dropTarget = null;
   this.dropEffect = DEFAULT;
   this.cursorPosition = this.startPosition = {
     x: event.clientX,
     y: event.clientY
   this.defaultCursor = 'default';
   this.dragImage = null; this, mixin );

   this._setCursor( true );



  • Boolean

Is this drag triggered by native drag/drop events rather than mouse up/down events?



  • O.View|null

The view on which the drag was initiated, if initiated in the current window. Otherwise null.



Which effects (move/copy/link) will the drag source allow the drop target to perform with the data represented by this drag.



  • O.DragDataSource|null

An object providing access to the data represented by the drag. If null, the O.Drag#dragSource object will be used as the data source if it is present and contains the O.DragDataSource mixin. Otherwise, the drag is presumed not to represent any data.



  • O.DropTarget|null

The nearest O.DropTarget implementing view (going up the view tree) under the mouse cursor at the moment, or null if none of them are drop targets.



The effect of the action that will be performed on the data should a drop be performed. This should be set by the current drop target.



  • Object

Contains x and y values indicating the current cursor position relative to the browser window.



  • Object

Contains x and y values indicating the cursor position when the drag was initiated, relative to the browser window.



  • String

The CSS cursor property value for the cursor to use when no drop effect has been set.



  • Element|null

A DOM element to display next to the cursor whilst the drag is active. This could be a simple <img> or <canvas> tag, or a more complicated DOM tree.



  • Object
xNumber The number of pixels to the right of the cursor at which the drag image should begin.
yNumber The number of pixels to the bottom of the cursor at which the drag image should begin.
dragImageOffset: { x: 5, y: 5 },

Private Method

O.Drag#_dragImageDidChange( oldImage, image )

Observes the O.Drag#dragImage property and updates the image being dragged if it changes.


_* Ignored.
__* Ignored.
oldImageElement|null The current drag image.
imageElement|null The new drag image to set.
_dragImageDidChange: function ( _, __, oldImage, image ) {
   if ( this.isNative ) {
     var offset = this.get( 'dragImageOffset' );
     this.event.dataTransfer.setDragImage( image, offset.x, offset.y );
   } else {
     var dragCursor = this._dragCursor;
     if ( dragCursor ) {
       if ( oldImage ) {
         dragCursor.removeChild( oldImage );
     } else {
       dragCursor = this._dragCursor = NS.Element.create( 'div', {
         style: 'position: fixed; z-index: 9999;'
       document.body.appendChild( dragCursor );
     dragCursor.appendChild( image );
 }.observes( 'dragImage' ),

Private Method


Observes the O.Drag#cursorPosition and O.Drag#dragImageOffset properties and repositions the drag image as appropriate (if it's not a native drag, where the browser will automatically update the drag image.

_updateDragImagePosition: function () {
   var dragImage = this._dragCursor,
     cursor, offset;
   if ( dragImage ) {
     cursor = this.get( 'cursorPosition' );
     offset = this.get( 'dragImageOffset' ); = ( cursor.x + Math.max( offset.x, 5 ) ) + 'px'; = ( cursor.y + Math.max( offset.y, 5 ) ) + 'px';
 }.queue( 'render' ).observes( 'cursorPosition', 'dragImageOffset' ),

Private Method

O.Drag#_setCursor( set )

Sets the on-screen cursor image based on the current dropEffect, overriding the normal cursor image.


setBoolean If true, the cursor image will be overriden to match the drop effect. If false, it will be set back to the default (e.g. hand when over a link, pointer otherwise).
_setCursor: function ( set ) {
   var stylesheet = this._stylesheet,
     cursor = this.get( 'defaultCursor' );
   if ( stylesheet ) {
     stylesheet.parentNode.removeChild( stylesheet );
     stylesheet = null;
   if ( set ) {
     switch ( this.get( 'dropEffect' ) ) {
       case NONE:
         cursor = 'no-drop';
       case COPY:
         cursor = 'copy';
       case LINK:
         cursor = 'alias';

     stylesheet = NS.Stylesheet.create( 'o-drag-cursor',
       '*{cursor:default !important;cursor:' + cursor + ' !important;}'
   this._stylesheet = stylesheet;
 }.observes( 'defaultCursor', 'dropEffect' ),



  • String[]

An array of the data types available to drop targets of this drag. The data type will be the MIME type of the data if a native drag, or a custom string if non-native. Native drags representing at least one file, will also contain a 'Files' data type.

dataTypes: function () {
   var dataSource = this.get( 'dataSource' ) || this.get( 'dragSource' );
   if ( dataSource && dataSource.get( 'isDragDataSource' ) ) {
     return dataSource.get( 'dragDataTypes' );
   if ( this.isNative ) {
     var dataTransfer = this.event.dataTransfer;
     // Current HTML5 DnD interface
     var items = dataTransfer.items,
       types = [],
       hasFiles = false,
       l, item, itemType;
     if ( items ) {
       l = items.length;
       while ( l-- ) {
         item = items[l];
         itemType = item.type;
         if ( !hasFiles ) {
           hasFiles = ( item.kind === 'file' );
         if ( itemType ) {
           types.include( itemType );
       if ( hasFiles ) {
         types.push( 'Files' );
       return types;
     // Deprecated HTML5 DnD interface
     if ( dataTransfer.types ) {
       return dataTransfer.types );
   return [];



Parameters type - String The type to test for.


Boolean Does the drag contain data of this type?

hasDataType: function ( type ) {
   return this.get( 'dataTypes' ).indexOf( type ) !== -1;



Parameters typeRegExp - RegExp Optional A regular expression to match against the file's MIME type.


{File[]} An array of all files represented by the drag, or if a regular expression is given, an array of all files with a matching MIME type.

getFiles: function ( typeRegExp ) {
   var files = [],
     dataTransfer = this.event.dataTransfer,
     items, i, l, item, itemType;
   if ( dataTransfer ) {
     // Current HTML5 DnD interface
     if ( items = dataTransfer.items ) {
       for ( i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i += 1 ) {
         item = items[i];
         itemType = item.type;
         if ( item.kind === 'file' ) {
           // Ignore folders
           if ( !itemType ) {
             if ( item.getAsEntry &&
                 !item.getAsEntry().isFile ) {
             else if ( item.webkitGetAsEntry &&
                 !item.webkitGetAsEntry().isFile ) {
           // Add to files if type matches.
           if ( !typeRegExp || typeRegExp.test( itemType ) ) {
             files.push( item.getAsFile() );
     // Deprecated HTML5 DnD interface (FF etc.)
     else if ( items = dataTransfer.files ) {
       for ( i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i += 1 ) {
         item = items[i];
         itemType = item.type;
         // Check it's not a folder (size > 0) and it matches any
         // type requirements
         if ( item.size &&
             ( !typeRegExp || typeRegExp.test( itemType ) ) ) {
           files.push( item );
   return files;



Fetches data of a particular type represented by the drag.

Parameters type - String The type of data to retrieve. callback - Function A callback to be called with the data as its single argument, or null as the argument if no data available of the requested type. Note, the callback may be made synchronously or asynchronously.


O.Drag Returns self.

getDataOfType: function ( type, callback ) {
   var dataSource = this.get( 'dataSource' ) || this.get( 'dragSource' ),
     dataFound = false;
   if ( dataSource && dataSource.get( 'isDragDataSource' ) ) {
     callback( dataSource.getDragDataOfType( type, this ) );
     dataFound = true;
   else if ( this.isNative ) {
     var dataTransfer = this.event.dataTransfer,
       items = dataTransfer.items,
       i, l, item;
     // Current HTML5 DnD interface
     if ( items ) {
       for ( i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i += 1 ) {
         item = items[i];
         if ( item.type === type ) {
           item.getAsString( callback );
           dataFound = true;
     // Deprecated HTML5 DnD interface
     else if ( dataTransfer.getData ) {
       callback( dataTransfer.getData( type ) );
       dataFound = true;
   if ( !dataFound ) {
     callback( null );
   return this;



Called automatically by the init method of the drag to register it with the drag controller and set any data on the dataTransfer event property if a native drag. It is unlikely you will ever need to call this method explicitly.


O.Drag Returns self.

startDrag: function () {
   NS.DragController.register( this ); 'dragStarted' );
   var dragSource = this.get( 'dragSource' ),
     allowedEffects, dataTransfer, dataSource, dataIsSet, data;
   // No drag source if drag started in another window/app.
   if ( dragSource ) {
     dragSource.set( 'isDragging', true ).dragStarted( this );

     allowedEffects = dragSource.get( 'allowedDragEffects' );
     this.set( 'allowedEffects', allowedEffects );

     // Native DnD support.
     if ( this.isNative ) {
       dataTransfer = this.event.dataTransfer;
       dataSource = this.get( 'dataSource' ) || dragSource;
       dataIsSet = false;

       dataTransfer.effectAllowed =
         effectToString[ this.get( 'allowedEffects' ) ];

       if ( dataSource.get( 'isDragDataSource' ) ) {
         dataSource.get( 'dragDataTypes' )
                .forEach( function ( type ) {
           if ( type.contains( '/' ) ) {
             data = dataSource.getDragDataOfType( type, this );
             // Current HTML5 DnD interface
             if ( dataTransfer.items ) {
               dataTransfer.items.add( data, type );
             // Deprecated HTML5 DnD interface
             else if ( dataTransfer.setData ) {
               dataTransfer.setData( type, data );
             dataIsSet = true;

       // Need something to keep the drag alive
       if ( !dataIsSet ) {
         dataTransfer.setData( 'x-private', '' );
   return this;



If the drag is in progress, you can call this to cancel the drag operation. Otherwise it will be called automatically when the drag is finished (i.e. when the user releases the mouse or moves it out of the browser window).

The method will clean up after a drag, resetting the cursor back to normal, informing the current drop target and drag source that the drag is finished and deregistering with the drag controller.


O.Drag Returns self.

endDrag: function () {
   var dropTarget = this.get( 'dropTarget' ),
     dragSource = this.get( 'dragSource' );
   if ( dropTarget ) {
     dropTarget.dropExited( this );
   if ( dragSource ) {
     dragSource.set( 'isDragging', false ).dragEnded( this );

   if ( this._dragCursor ) {
     document.body.removeChild( this._dragCursor );
     this._dragCursor = null;
   if ( this._scrollInterval ) {
     NS.RunLoop.cancel( this._scrollInterval );
     this._scrollInterval = null;
   this._setCursor( false ); 'dragEnded' );
   NS.DragController.deregister( this );

   return this;


O.Drag#move( event )

Called automatically by the drag controller whenever the mouse moves whilst the drag is in progress. Gets the updated cursor position, recalculates the drop target and scrolls scroll views if hovering near the edge.


eventEvent The dragover or mousemove event.


O.Drag Returns self.

move: function ( event ) {
   this.event = event;

   // Find which view is currently under the cursor. If none, presume we've
   // moved the cursor over the drag image, so we're probably still over
   // the current drop.
   var view = event.targetView,
     x, y;
   if ( !view ) {
     view = this.get( 'dropTarget' );

   // Update cursor location
   this.set( 'cursorPosition', {
     x: x = event.clientX,
     y: y = event.clientY

   // Check if we're over any hotspots that should trigger a scroll.
   this._check( view, x, y );

   // Recalculate drop target and update.
   this._update( view );

   return this;

Private Property


  • Object|null
  • private

An object caching the position of the scroll view on the screen.

Private Property


  • O.ScrollView|null
  • private

The scroll view under the cursor, if any.

Private Property


  • Object|null
  • private

An object with x and y properties containing the number of pixels the scroll view should be scrolled in the next frame (negative values to scroll up, positive values to scroll down).

Private Property


  • InvocationToken|null
  • private

The InvocationToken returned by a call to O.RunLoop.cancel.

Private Property


  • O.View|null
  • private

The view the mouse was over last time O.Drag#_check was called.

Private Method


Checks if the mouse is currently near the edge of a scroll view, and if so, sets that to scroll automatically.

Parameters view - O.View The view the mouse is currently over. x - The current x-coordinate of the mouse. y - The current y-coordinate of the mouse.

_check: function ( view, x, y ) {
   var scroll = this._scrollBounds,
     scrollView = this._scrollView,
     outsideTriggerRegionWidth = 15,
     bounds, deltaX, deltaY;

   // If we don't have any containing scroll container bounds, recalculate.
   if ( !scroll ||
       x < scroll.l || x > scroll.r || y < scroll.t || y > scroll.b ) {
     scroll = null;
     // Optimise by only reclaculating scrollView bounds when we mouse
     // over a new view.
     if ( view && this._lastTargetView !== view ) {
       this._lastTargetView = scrollView = view;

       if ( !( scrollView instanceof NS.ScrollView ) ) {
         scrollView = scrollView.getParent( NS.ScrollView );
       if ( scrollView ) {
         bounds = scrollView.get( 'layer' ).getBoundingClientRect();
         scroll = {
           l: bounds.left - outsideTriggerRegionWidth,
           r: bounds.right + outsideTriggerRegionWidth,
           t: - outsideTriggerRegionWidth,
           b: bounds.bottom + outsideTriggerRegionWidth
         // IE8 doesn't support bounds.(width|height)
         deltaX = Math.min( 75, (bounds.right - bounds.left) >> 2 );
         deltaY = Math.min( 75, (bounds.bottom - >> 2 );
         scroll.hl = scroll.l + deltaX; = scroll.r - deltaX; = scroll.t + deltaY;
         scroll.hb = scroll.b - deltaY;
       this._scrollView = scrollView;
       this._scrollBounds = scroll;
   // Clear the timer if we used to be in a hotspot.
   if ( this._scrollInterval ) {
     NS.RunLoop.cancel( this._scrollInterval );
     this._scrollInterval = null;
   // And set a new timer if we are currently in a hotspot.
   if ( scroll ) {
     deltaX = x < scroll.hl ? -10 : x > ? 10 : 0;
     deltaY = y < ? -10 : y > scroll.hb ? 10 : 0;
     if ( deltaX || deltaY ) {
       this._scrollBy = { x: deltaX, y: deltaY };
       this._scrollInterval =
         NS.RunLoop.invokePeriodically( this._scroll, 100, this );

Private Method


Moves the scroll position of the scroll view currently being hovered over.

_scroll: function () {
   var scrollView = this._scrollView,
     scrollBy = this._scrollBy;

   if ( scrollView.scrollBy( scrollBy.x, scrollBy.y ) ) {
     var cursor = this.get( 'cursorPosition' ),
       target = document.elementFromPoint( cursor.x, cursor.y );
     if ( target ) {
       this._update( NS.ViewEventsController.getViewFromNode( target ) );

Private Method

O.Drag#_update( view )

Finds the current drop target and invokes the appropriate callbacks on the drag source and old/new drop targets.


viewO.View The view the mouse is currently over.
_update: function ( view ) {
   var currentDrop = this.get( 'dropTarget' ),
     dragSource = this.get( 'dragSource' );

   // Find the current drop Target
   while ( view ) {
     if ( view === currentDrop || (
         view.get( 'isDropTarget' ) &&
         view.willAcceptDrag( this ) ) ) {
     view = view.get( 'parentView' ) || null;

   // Update targets on status
   if ( view !== currentDrop ) {
     if ( currentDrop ) {
       currentDrop.dropExited( this );
     if ( view ) {
       view.dropEntered( this );
     currentDrop = view;
     this.set( 'dropTarget', view );
   if ( currentDrop ) {
     currentDrop.dropMoved( this );

   // Update source on status
   if ( dragSource ) {
     dragSource.dragMoved( this );


O.Drag#drop( event )

Called automatically by the drag controller when a drop event occurs. If over a drop target, and the drop effect is not NONE, calls the O.DropTarget#drop method on the target.


eventEvent The drop or mouseup event.


O.Drag Returns self.

drop: function ( event ) {
   this.event = event;
   var dropEffect = this.dropEffect;
   if ( this.dropTarget &&
       dropEffect !== NONE && dropEffect !== DEFAULT ) {
     this.dropTarget.drop( this );
   return this;

NS.Drag = Drag;

}( O ) );